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Graduate Dump for Linguistics

Psychological Stimulus Sets

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Object Images

  1. Amsterdam Library of Object Images (ALOI)

  2. Bank of Standardized Stimuli

  3. MultiPic BCBL

  4. THINGS object concept and object image database

  5. UPenn Natural Image Database

Emotion, Attention, Affective Neuroscience and Neuroaesthetics

  1. Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention, University of Florida

  2. Swiss Center For Affective Sciences, University of Geneva

  3. The Portsmouth dynamic spontaneous tears database (PDSTD)

  4. Optical Illusions from Prof. Akiyoshi Kitaoka

  5. Optical Illusions from SP LAB


  1. Dartmouth Database of Children’s Faces

  2. Full-Body Photo Database

  3. Face-Body Swapped Photo Database

  4. The Evolved Person Perception & Cognition Lab

  5. Face Database: Massive Compilation from Princeton

  6. The Wild Faces Database

Embedded Images and Artificial Figures

  1. L-EFT Leuven Embedded Figures Test

  2. The Brussels Artificial Character Sets


  1. Motion speech, gesture and memory

  2. The Chieti Affective Action Videos database

I will be happy to include your stimuli from your research or your research group. Please note that the distribution of your content has to accomodate standard academic, scientific and journal editorial requirements for the stimuli to be included here. Consider sending me an email (check the bottom of the bio note at my homepage) and re-sending your email if I do not respond to your request in three days. I ask people to not attach any files to emails because the file might contain viruses or phising attacks (a total bummer!),instead; upload them on a safe, public and easy to access website such as OSF among other common preferences for me to take a look around.